"Since today's 'leak' admitted to being fake, please remember to only trust messaging from official channels. We're close, just hang in there," Junyszek said.
Since today's @RedditHalo 'leak' admitted to being fake, please remember to only trust messaging from official @Halo channels. We're close, just hang in there 🤘 pic.twitter.com/yeMPwdx7LW
— John Junyszek (@Unyshek) May 18, 2020
Microsoft will formally show off and discuss Halo Infinite during the Xbox 20/20 event in July. The company previously planned to reveal the game in more details during E3 2020, but that event was canceled, and Microsoft shifted its strategy.
The supposed Reddit leak claimed to have new details on Halo Infinite's campaign and multiplayer, but it's now proven to be a bunch of baloney.
Halo Infinite is a launch title for the Xbox Series X, releasing this holiday. At E3 2019, Microsoft confirmed there would be multiple pre-release betas for Halo Infinite, but whether or not plans have shifted since then is unknown. In addition to Xbox Series X, Halo Infinite will launch on the regular Xbox One and PC.
Related Forum: Xbox Forum
Source: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/that-halo-infinite-leak-on-reddit-was-fake-develop/1100-6477418/
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