Nightmare Resident Evil 3 mod replaces Nemesis with Shrek

Sometimes the nightmares are of our own making.

If you played the Resident Evil 2 remake, you’ll no doubt have seen plenty of mods that replace Mr X with sometimes funny and and other times even more terrifying enemies.

The same is true in Resident Evil 3, where these abominations can cause real damage thanks to Nemesis’ expanded role compared to the relatively tame Mr X.

Shrek Over Nemesis is the name of a Resident Evil 3 mode that replaces Nemesis with Shrek. Unfortunately, the mod only replaces Nemesis in the first stage of the game, so you’re not going to get a mutilated, flamethrower-toting version of the ogre.

Still, as you can see in the trailer below, keeping Nemesis’ original voice ultimately proved to be the right call. You can download the mod yourself at Nexus mods.

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"Nightmare Resident Evil 3 mod replaces Nemesis with Shrek" :: Login/Create an Account :: 9 comments

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Covid Crazy how people people get paid to come up with these ideas

I doubt they would have been paid to do this, a lot of people do it to see how ridiculous and far they can go with them.


TTG I can see someone adding a voice and saying "Get out of my swamp!" But ultimately this is awesome.

This would be the cherry on top of the cake!


LOL, this is amazing to watch.


That's mad, a weird feature in the game.


Crazy how people people get paid to come up with these ideas


TTG I can see someone adding a voice and saying "Get out of my swamp!" But ultimately this is awesome.

Now if they added the voice would be even more awesome.


I can see someone adding a voice and saying "Get out of my swamp!" But ultimately this is awesome.


This is hilarious. Love how creative people can be.


This started my day great so far. Very funny. Amazing what some mods do.