The Last Of Us Part 2 Seemingly Banned In The Middle East

After a very long wait, as well as two different delays, we are less than a month away from the hotly anticipated release of The Last of Us Part 2. The game will see us once again following Ellie and Joel through a brutal world. The game is set to have a lengthy State of Play tomorrow, and everyone is surely rubbing their hands together in glee. Unfortunately, it seems those in the Middle East may have to jump through hoops to get this one despite their glee.

It seems as if you can no longer order the game through the official PlayStation Store for multiple Middle Eastern regions. Reddit user Ghostechful sent in a question to support to see what was going on, and well, it doesn’t seem good. While the support tech didn’t actually know 100% if this was the case, they did say that this usually happens when the game is banned in those regions.

While it’s not been stated by anyone officially yet, it definitely doesn’t look good. It’s unfortunate, but considering the content and themes the game is exploring it’s also not too surprising. The Last of Us Part 2 is set to release on June 19th for PlayStation 4, with reviews set to come starting June 12th.

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"The Last Of Us Part 2 Seemingly Banned In The Middle East" :: Login/Create an Account :: 9 comments

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Gossip I couldn't imagine my country banning a certain video game... wow.

It could be worse and you could be from North Korea and not even have access to the internet.


Anime That's a jaw dropping surprise to be banning there.

They have banned other games so I wasn't totally shocked.


JOEYKMODS What a shocker the middle east banning and blocking things lmao

Sucks that they do this, Cant really see why this is banned and CoD isn't.


Sucks that it is banned for them, It is awesome.


Weird that they've banned the game? It's not that bad?


Jesus I wonder why that is? Madness


I couldn't imagine my country banning a certain video game... wow.


That's a jaw dropping surprise to be banning there.


What a shocker the middle east banning and blocking things lmao