![Sony Releases Optional 3.73 PS3 Update](https://www.thetechgame.com/images/news/article/4d1c776e95.jpg)
Once updated (which still takes far too long) the system software, now running at a spritely 3.73, does little above and beyond what the last update did – “stability during use of certain PS3 format software has been improved” is the official, rather nondescript company line.
Of course, while we’re hoping that this secretly means cross game chat, a revamped Store, Firefox browser and a brand new XMB chances are it’s just a couple of bug-fixes for existing games, with others suggesting that it fixes some issues with dual PSN sign-ins.
Go on, have a look. If you can find anything lovely that our tired, biting sarcasm didn’t pick up, let us know and you might look all smug, like. Somebody has to.
Source: http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2011/10/18/sony-dumps-non-mandatory-3-73-ps3-update/
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