Target Denies PS5 Units Won't Ship Inside a Box

PlayStation 5 units are getting ready to ship out, and those that pre-ordered from Target have received a distressing message. The message claims that the next-gen game console will not ship inside a different box, but shipping labels will instead be affixed on the box from Sony. The news comes from @Wario64 on Twitter, who shared an image of a PS5 pre-order from Target stating as such. Naturally, this is the kind of thing that could lead to a bit of panic, as potential thieves would be able to see one of the holiday season's biggest items sitting in plain sight! Fortunately, after reaching out to the retailer, it seems that the message may have been sent in error.

The Tweets from @Wario64 can be found embedded below.

Hopefully, this will be the case for everyone that pre-ordered the console from the retailer! Apparently, Target has previously sent out similar warnings for items that did end up shipping in boxes. Lots of retailers ship items this way, and the results can be a bit messy. Since many people that pre-ordered the PS5 will likely be at work when the system ships, it stands to reason that several units will be left on porches on launch day. While a giant box from Target could prove tempting to thieves, a PS5 left in plain site would be a much bigger mistake!

Of course, it wouldn't be surprising if the PS5 proved difficult for retailers like Target to ship. After all, the system is the largest that Sony has ever produced, positively dwarfing previous PlayStation consoles. Interestingly enough, PlayStation senior art director Yujin Morisawa revealed that its design was almost bigger than the one that ended up being produced! Once the engineers took a look at it, they requested a smaller concept.

With the PS5 set to release in just a few short days, those that pre-ordered from Target might want to reach out if they received a similar message. It's likely that all units will be shipped out the same way, but it might prove reassuring for those concerned about potential thieves.

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That I guess is not a bad idea. Still need some sort of shipping box even if it's their box.