World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Gets a Gorgeous Launch Cinematic

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands launches next week. To celebrate, Blizzard has finally dropped the anticipated cinematic trailer. It looks incredible.

I’ll never forget the first time I saw the original World of Warcraft cinematic. The level of detail and fidelity was absolutely jaw-dropping back in 2004. Sixteen years later the cinematic team hasn’t lost that flair for cinematic. Today, we finally got to see what Shadowlands‘ cinematic looks like, and, as you might expect, it’s phenomenal. At this point, I’m just keeping up with WoW‘s lore in hopes that one day they put out a full movie or series that uses the cinematics team’s style. Give it a look for yourself below.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is set to be a great expansion for new players to hop into. It brings a massive level squish to make the daunting task of hitting the max level a bit easier. Plus, Activision-Blizzard has added a brand new starting zone that lets players easily learn how to hop into the somewhat bloated MMORPG. There’s plenty there for old players too; however, as someone who started playing this game in middle school, it’s increasingly feeling a bit dated.

Don’t let my jaded perspective get you down though. Even though I’d love to see a WoW 2 (whatever that actually means), I think Shadowlands has a lot of neat ideas. Not least of which is the new covenants you can join. These should provide even more replay value, especially if you’re someone who runs multiple alt characters as I do. Sure, I’d like to see some bigger changes, but what Blizzard has on offer this go-around is very promising.

Fortunately, we don’t have to wait much longer to check it out. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands launches on November 23 on PC.

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Cool, but the game should be made free to play and not subscription based especially at the price it currently is. I enjoyed my time on WoW but the subscription just isn't worth paying when each dlc costs a full priced title. (The DLC isn't even that good.)