Reports of the filter can be found from Twitter to Reddit, but the best example comes way of Patrick Beja. Taking to the former social media platform, Beja revealed that when trying to share a post about Astro's Playroom, full of PG praise for the game and Sony, the PS5 blocked its publication, citing issues with the text.
As you can see below, the tweet has zero profanity, though it's possible "torrent" is triggering the filter, though, for now, this is just a theory.
Err... what?
— Patrick Beja (@NotPatrick) November 21, 2020
I wanted to share a screenshot of the wonderful Astro’s Playroom but the PS5 asks me to “remove profanity to continue”..... not sure what the profanity is! Marketing maybe?? 😄
Anyway, it’s still a delightful game. 😁#PS5Share #ASTROsPLAYROOM
Oddly enough, there's no mention of this feature within the parental controls, which suggests it can not be removed.
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