Inside is today's free game on the Epic Store

I liked Inside a lot. Playdead's spooky 2D platformer about a young child on the run from something is gorgeous, dark, and deeply weird, and yes, it leaves a lot of questions unanswered at the end (all of the questions, really), but as a somber spectacle that that doesn't work too hard to prevent all-thumbs players (like me) from getting from start to finish, I found it thoroughly engrossing. We also picked it as our Best Shortform Game of 2016, so I can't be completely wrong about it, right?

If you haven't yet sampled its strangeness, now's your chance to correct that oversight, as it's the new daily giveaway on the Epic Games Store. You've got until 11 am ET on December 25 to pick it up, and as long as you snag it in a reasonably timely fashion you can have it finished by then too: It's easy enough to wrap the whole thing up in five hours or so.

Epic's daily game giveaway is slated to run until January 1. The recently-leaked list says that tomorrow's free game will be Darkest Dungeon, certainly an interesting choice for Christmas Day, and doubly interesting because as far as I can tell Darkest Dungeon isn't actually available on the Epic Store yet. Still, the list is now eight-for-eight in picks, so I wouldn't bet against it.

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ill take a hard pass on this one bro lol


Looks like an interesting one, I've been taking advantage of Epic's free games and am not disappointed :)