Hitman 3 Details April Content Roadmap

Hitman 3 developer IO Interactive has revealed the April roadmap -- titled "Season of Greed" -- for content updates to the popular video game. Given that the first part of the Seven Deadly Sins DLC expansion, Greed, released on March 30th, it makes sense that the April roadmap should focus somewhat on that theme. As usual, that includes new Elusive Targets, Featured Contracts, an Escalation, and a new game update set for May.

More specifically, the first new Elusive Target, The Collector, is running now. The target can be found in Dartmoor until April 19th, and The Politician Elusive Target kicks off in Hawke's Bay on April 23rd and runs through May 3rd. The Jinzhen Incident, April's Escalation, begins April 23rd. Dubai and Dartmoor Featured Contracts start April 15th while Mendoza, Chongqing, and Berlin Featured Contracts begin May 6th.

"HITMAN 3’s next major patch will arrive on May 10 to end the Season of Greed and start the next Season of Sin," the official blog post from the developer reads in part. "The patch will prepare the game for all the new content arriving in that season as well as bring improvements, tweaks and fixes too."

The first part of Hitman 3's Seven Deadly Sins expansion, Greed, released on March 30th. The pieces can be purchased separately for $4.99 or as a collection for $29.99. It seems likely that the next part will release on May 10th or around there. Hitman 3 itself is now available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Google Stadia, and PC.

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Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/hitman-3-april-roadmap-season-of-greed/


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