We've been paying so much attention to SOPA that we forgot to look out for the smaller, more annoying versions of ourselves. On January 1, Xbox Live avatars will lose the right to wield new gun-like items. That's right, they can hold flowers and blow bubbles, but heaven forbid one of them pull out a laser blaster or a Gears of War lancer. According to Epic Games' community manager Raczilla's forum post "Starting on Jan. 1, 2012, the Lancer and Hammerburst avatar items will no longer be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace. If you’ve purchased the items prior to Jan. 1, you will be able to keep them. A new policy goes into effect for all gun-like avatar items on the Marketplace, so get them while they’re hot."
There you have it. It sounds like if you already have deadly weapons in your virtual closet, you can continue to wield them. If you don't have any, now's the time to stock up, as they'll disappear come the new year.
What do you all think about XBL removing the weapons from avatars?
Rainbow_Dash >This is just a marketing tactic to get them more avatar item sales.
How would they make more money by removing them from the marketplace? Sure more people will buy them now, but no one will buy them later. That's like saying Pizza Hut will make more money from removing pepperoni pizza from the menu. Seriously the stupidity from people like you amazes me...
Couldn't care less about this...I find it better with: an unbelievably ugly face, big hat, awful looking t-shirt, tight shorts ;) and sandals. All this is....FREE
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