CoD Developer Seeks Balance Between “Quickscopers” and “Hardscopers”
First, a quick definition of terms: A “quickscoper” can be considered someone who fires a high-powered rifle (usually a bolt-action sniper rifle in this case) immediately after acquiring a target using the game’s built-in crosshairs, taking little to almost no time to aim down the the sights of the rifle scope; a risky but efficient maneuver. “Hardscopers” seek targets in the more traditional sense of scanning the battlefield while aimed down the sights of a rifle scope and firing from this scoped state, usually from an advantageous position.
Along with the rise of quickscoping — a technique that caught some attention possibly during the CoD 2 era, but gained commercial popularity during Modern Warfare 2 — came the controversial debate of whether it can be considered a legitimate technique, or does it exploit the mechanics of a first-person shooter, giving an unfair advantage to the user? Call of Duty developers, Treyarch, made conscious effort to keep 2010′s Black Ops free of such “exploitations”, while Infinity Ward’s recent Modern Warfare 3 embraced it with open arms.
In a conversation with Call of Duty fans, Vonderhaar stated, “I’d like to sit down with the worlds best drag & quickscopers and those who despise it and find something directly in the middle.” He continued, “ADS [Aim Down Sight] sway as well as the ADS and hipfire aim assist (ranges) are tunable on a per gun level. Let’s do this.” To get down to specifics, he then proposed, “.4 ADS raise time. No ‘random bullet.’ Limited hip fire aim assist (MW1 was 1000 inches of hip fire aim assist). Thoughts?” He then clarified that “0.4 is the average on a MW1 style sniper.”
Some fans have expressed concern over receiving only a hit marker when achieving a clear shot to the chest in Black Ops. Vonderhaar explained that this is common “when you are used to ‘chest’ being all the same thing.” However, he admits, ”we wanted it to be a precision shot. Upper torso or head but it was probably too confusing in the end.” It “also had to do with penetration settings,” he added. “You can’t hit a guy in the chest without hitting his arms and hands and sometimes gun first,” which may have added to players’ frustrations.
Vonderhaar was also asked if the possibility of removing aim assist was optional, something that many quickscope nay-sayers would argue is the source of their frustration. He replied, “Yes. It’s now possible to remove aim (hip and ads) from a gun. He also admitted, “the gun not shooting straight till 100% scoped in caused a lot of confusion and frustration for snipers.”
To close, Vonderhaar stated these words: “Balance. That place in the middle where everyone is equally pissed off. Thanks for sharing your passion with me. Reading every reply.”
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Who cares if you hard scope or quick scope. We should worry more about the next call of duty and will it be the EXACT SAME GAME JUST WITH SOME NEW WEAPONS?!?!
I like doing both. I do not think we should fight over something like this. "It's just a video game so chill out guys".
I like doing both. I do not think we should fight over something like this. "It's just a video game so chill out guys".
People need to stop complaining. If you don't like being quickscoped, pull out and ACR and move the batard over. I got into a game with zzirGrizz this friday and pooped on him with my ACR. Quickscopers are not hard to kill. (my proof with zzirGrizz- mw3 fileshare, not gunna post to youtube, sorry)
Keep quickscoping to private match its so annoying when your on a kill streak and you get killed by xxpR05h0TzZzZxx by a flukey noscope/quickscope, simple solution...make a sniping only gamemode where you are restricted to 0.4 seconds in your scope and one where there is no restriction, it will keep the sh*t kids out of pub patches pulling of 1 shot fluke kills cause they saw zzirGrizz hit one in his montage.
Youtube has ruined the the game as far as 10 year old quickscoper go,
P.S there is skill in quickscoping, but 9 times out of 10 its a 10 year pulling flukes
Youtube has ruined the the game as far as 10 year old quickscoper go,
P.S there is skill in quickscoping, but 9 times out of 10 its a 10 year pulling flukes
coDyDaTallGuy-Smiles-TTG_EFFECTBring_WaW_Back-Smiles-I personally think it's some what skillful, I always thought it to be easy ever since I started doing it in CoD 2, and that stereotype that most people say about quickscopers, like the 360 no scope trick shot stuff doesn't exist with me. I did it because I could get the shot off faster and just as easy as scoping all the way in, and I never go negative quickscoping either, so I figure it's skillful to say the least, that's just my opinion though. P.S just because im good at quickscoping doesn't mean I suck with every other gun, because im just as good with the AR's and SMG's.JagermeisterStevsXxModioxModzxXIt isn't luck one bit, it takes skill!PuLse_GamingWill51 If u buy a game just 2 zoom in faster with a sniper rifle your a fuuucking looser
I hate quickscoping
lol i bet your a shi tty little camper who sits on his arse and waits for people to pass by. your the fu cking loser! a ret ard could use a fully auto weapon and hold both the aim and trigger button and then move the right thumbstick all over the place, it takes no skill to run around with a full auto gun and spray, it takes alot of skill to have good reactions and quickscope a guy if hes shooting at you, you sir no fu ck all, please close your account and sell your mw3!
If that were true, and quickscoping was skill, every pro and normal player could quickscope, but it's not true. It's luck, not skill>>Your HOPING to hit the person. Your HOPING it's a headsot. Your HOPING the person dies instantly.
Also maybe everyone doesn't do it, because they dont want to ? It takes practice you retarded specimen, so that's why every pro and normal player can't do, because they haven't practised/tried it...
You sir. Are probably the most retarded person I have ever SEEN. You're saying quickscoping takes skill? Are you retarded? The first guy was right. It's all luck, you're just hoping to kill the guy because you scope in fast. It's retarded. You're telling me that people like you who go negative every game because they want to quickscope for some stupid montage takes skill? You're the reason why some people hate COD, we join a game and idiots like you who spin around with 360's and throwing knives up in the air hoping to get someone while we do all the work capturing flags and planting bombs. It takes no skill what so ever. I'd like to see you play against pro teams with a automatic gun if you say that takes no "skill".
if quickscoping was luck than anyone could do it at the same skill level, but it is not
if you and i quickscoped against each other, i would win because i am better, not because i am luckier
QuickScoping takes a certain amount of skill and luck. You need a certain amount of skill to be able to zoom in and shoot at the right speed and need to get good reactions. You need luck to be able to kill the enemy with the first shot.
Quickscoping is a difficult skill and takes time to master its not guaranteed to kill every person you see and they have a better advantage with SMG's or Assault Riffle's. I Quickscope on every COD and a while back used to make montages and other clips but even now that I have stopped doing it as much I have found out its as difficult to kill Quickscopers as it is for the Quickscopers to kill the enemy's and feel that there is no problem with Quickscope or Hardscopers.
-Smiles-TTG_EFFECTBring_WaW_Back-Smiles-I personally think it's some what skillful, I always thought it to be easy ever since I started doing it in CoD 2, and that stereotype that most people say about quickscopers, like the 360 no scope trick shot stuff doesn't exist with me. I did it because I could get the shot off faster and just as easy as scoping all the way in, and I never go negative quickscoping either, so I figure it's skillful to say the least, that's just my opinion though. P.S just because im good at quickscoping doesn't mean I suck with every other gun, because im just as good with the AR's and SMG's.JagermeisterStevsXxModioxModzxXIt isn't luck one bit, it takes skill!PuLse_GamingWill51 If u buy a game just 2 zoom in faster with a sniper rifle your a fuuucking looser
I hate quickscoping
lol i bet your a shi tty little camper who sits on his arse and waits for people to pass by. your the fu cking loser! a ret ard could use a fully auto weapon and hold both the aim and trigger button and then move the right thumbstick all over the place, it takes no skill to run around with a full auto gun and spray, it takes alot of skill to have good reactions and quickscope a guy if hes shooting at you, you sir no fu ck all, please close your account and sell your mw3!
If that were true, and quickscoping was skill, every pro and normal player could quickscope, but it's not true. It's luck, not skill>>Your HOPING to hit the person. Your HOPING it's a headsot. Your HOPING the person dies instantly.
Also maybe everyone doesn't do it, because they dont want to ? It takes practice you retarded specimen, so that's why every pro and normal player can't do, because they haven't practised/tried it...
You sir. Are probably the most retarded person I have ever SEEN. You're saying quickscoping takes skill? Are you retarded? The first guy was right. It's all luck, you're just hoping to kill the guy because you scope in fast. It's retarded. You're telling me that people like you who go negative every game because they want to quickscope for some stupid montage takes skill? You're the reason why some people hate COD, we join a game and idiots like you who spin around with 360's and throwing knives up in the air hoping to get someone while we do all the work capturing flags and planting bombs. It takes no skill what so ever. I'd like to see you play against pro teams with a automatic gun if you say that takes no "skill".
if quickscoping was luck than anyone could do it at the same skill level, but it is not
if you and i quickscoped against each other, i would win because i am better, not because i am luckier
I like QuickScoping and i like the way people does it
But HardScoping is the only way to kill 'Terrorist' in like US Military mission
Snipers doesn't do Quickscope during mission to kill some kind of bad terrorist like Osama Bin Laden
C'mon little kids with high-pitched voice wake up and come to real world!
But HardScoping is the only way to kill 'Terrorist' in like US Military mission
Snipers doesn't do Quickscope during mission to kill some kind of bad terrorist like Osama Bin Laden
C'mon little kids with high-pitched voice wake up and come to real world!
TTG_EFFECTBring_WaW_Back-Smiles-QUICK SCOPING IS STUPID ITS 99% LUCK, 1% SKILL. ITS NOT REALISTIC AND IT RUINES THE GAME. I DONT SEE SOLDIERS IN IRAQ QUICK SCOPINGJagermeisterStevsXxModioxModzxXIt isn't luck one bit, it takes skill!PuLse_GamingWill51 If u buy a game just 2 zoom in faster with a sniper rifle your a fuuucking looser
I hate quickscoping
lol i bet your a shi tty little camper who sits on his arse and waits for people to pass by. your the fu cking loser! a ret ard could use a fully auto weapon and hold both the aim and trigger button and then move the right thumbstick all over the place, it takes no skill to run around with a full auto gun and spray, it takes alot of skill to have good reactions and quickscope a guy if hes shooting at you, you sir no fu ck all, please close your account and sell your mw3!
If that were true, and quickscoping was skill, every pro and normal player could quickscope, but it's not true. It's luck, not skill>>Your HOPING to hit the person. Your HOPING it's a headsot. Your HOPING the person dies instantly.
Also maybe everyone doesn't do it, because they dont want to ? It takes practice you retarded specimen, so that's why every pro and normal player can't do, because they haven't practised/tried it...
You sir. Are probably the most retarded person I have ever SEEN. You're saying quickscoping takes skill? Are you retarded? The first guy was right. It's all luck, you're just hoping to kill the guy because you scope in fast. It's retarded. You're telling me that people like you who go negative every game because they want to quickscope for some stupid montage takes skill? You're the reason why some people hate COD, we join a game and idiots like you who spin around with 360's and throwing knives up in the air hoping to get someone while we do all the work capturing flags and planting bombs. It takes no skill what so ever. I'd like to see you play against pro teams with a automatic gun if you say that takes no "skill".
if quickscoping was luck than anyone could do it at the same skill level, but it is not
if you and i quickscoped against each other, i would win because i am better, not because i am luckier
heck, i'd beat you if you were using a f***ing ACR
I'm fine with slower ADS, i use Marathon anyway
woah woah woah! so you are telling me that CoD is meant to be realistic? i think you are slightly confused on that one. its like saying viva piata is meant to represent my garden
quickscoping does take some degree of skill and some degree of luck, but i quickscope alot and my friend doesnt so we played a game of quickscopes and guess what... i destroyed him and then we played normal guns and it was a fair game he won by like 3 kills. so yeah
yea i see people in real life being able to recover health, take no fall damage, make a laptop appear with an ac130, and get a box with a **** pave low inside
TTG_EFFECTBring_WaW_Back-Smiles-JagermeisterStevsXxModioxModzxXIt isn't luck one bit, it takes skill!PuLse_GamingWill51 If u buy a game just 2 zoom in faster with a sniper rifle your a fuuucking looser
I hate quickscoping
lol i bet your a shi tty little camper who sits on his arse and waits for people to pass by. your the fu cking loser! a ret ard could use a fully auto weapon and hold both the aim and trigger button and then move the right thumbstick all over the place, it takes no skill to run around with a full auto gun and spray, it takes alot of skill to have good reactions and quickscope a guy if hes shooting at you, you sir no fu ck all, please close your account and sell your mw3!
If that were true, and quickscoping was skill, every pro and normal player could quickscope, but it's not true. It's luck, not skill>>Your HOPING to hit the person. Your HOPING it's a headsot. Your HOPING the person dies instantly.
Also maybe everyone doesn't do it, because they dont want to ? It takes practice you retarded specimen, so that's why every pro and normal player can't do, because they haven't practised/tried it...
You sir. Are probably the most retarded person I have ever SEEN. You're saying quickscoping takes skill? Are you retarded? The first guy was right. It's all luck, you're just hoping to kill the guy because you scope in fast. It's retarded. You're telling me that people like you who go negative every game because they want to quickscope for some stupid montage takes skill? You're the reason why some people hate COD, we join a game and idiots like you who spin around with 360's and throwing knives up in the air hoping to get someone while we do all the work capturing flags and planting bombs. It takes no skill what so ever. I'd like to see you play against pro teams with a automatic gun if you say that takes no "skill".
if quickscoping was luck than anyone could do it at the same skill level, but it is not
if you and i quickscoped against each other, i would win because i am better, not because i am luckier
Bring_WaW_Back-Smiles-QUICK SCOPING IS STUPID ITS 99% LUCK, 1% SKILL. ITS NOT REALISTIC AND IT RUINES THE GAME. I DONT SEE SOLDIERS IN IRAQ QUICK SCOPINGJagermeisterStevsXxModioxModzxXIt isn't luck one bit, it takes skill!PuLse_GamingWill51 If u buy a game just 2 zoom in faster with a sniper rifle your a fuuucking looser
I hate quickscoping
lol i bet your a shi tty little camper who sits on his arse and waits for people to pass by. your the fu cking loser! a ret ard could use a fully auto weapon and hold both the aim and trigger button and then move the right thumbstick all over the place, it takes no skill to run around with a full auto gun and spray, it takes alot of skill to have good reactions and quickscope a guy if hes shooting at you, you sir no fu ck all, please close your account and sell your mw3!
If that were true, and quickscoping was skill, every pro and normal player could quickscope, but it's not true. It's luck, not skill>>Your HOPING to hit the person. Your HOPING it's a headsot. Your HOPING the person dies instantly.
Also maybe everyone doesn't do it, because they dont want to ? It takes practice you retarded specimen, so that's why every pro and normal player can't do, because they haven't practised/tried it...
You sir. Are probably the most retarded person I have ever SEEN. You're saying quickscoping takes skill? Are you retarded? The first guy was right. It's all luck, you're just hoping to kill the guy because you scope in fast. It's retarded. You're telling me that people like you who go negative every game because they want to quickscope for some stupid montage takes skill? You're the reason why some people hate COD, we join a game and idiots like you who spin around with 360's and throwing knives up in the air hoping to get someone while we do all the work capturing flags and planting bombs. It takes no skill what so ever. I'd like to see you play against pro teams with a automatic gun if you say that takes no "skill".
if quickscoping was luck than anyone could do it at the same skill level, but it is not
if you and i quickscoped against each other, i would win because i am better, not because i am luckier
heck, i'd beat you if you were using a f***ing ACR
I'm fine with slower ADS, i use Marathon anyway
woah woah woah! so you are telling me that CoD is meant to be realistic? i think you are slightly confused on that one. its like saying viva piata is meant to represent my garden
quickscoping does take some degree of skill and some degree of luck, but i quickscope alot and my friend doesnt so we played a game of quickscopes and guess what... i destroyed him and then we played normal guns and it was a fair game he won by like 3 kills. so yeah
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