Far Cry 6 Doesn’t Have Ray-Tracing On Consoles, Ubisoft Confirms

In a recent interview with Wccftech, lead programmer at Ubisoft Stephanie Brenham revealed that Far Cry 6 will not have ray-tracing options on consoles. During the interview, he revealed that players on consoles will not be able to enjoy the cutting-edge in terms of lighting technology.

Brenham explains that with Far Cry 6 on consoles, Ubisoft wants to prioritize performance over visual fidelity. Ubisoft aims to provide 60 fps at a pristine resolution of 4K, which is certainly an appreciable move. Furthermore, Ubisoft also wants to provide a better experience on current-gen consoles in the department of LODs and draw distances.

“Ray tracing is a PC only feature. On console, our objective has been to take advantage of new hardware capabilities, optimizing performance targeting 4K and achieving 60 FPS, for instance, all while ensuring new game features, like our dynamic weather system, are supported on all platforms.”

What makes this omission rather interesting is the fact that Ubisoft has previously included ray-tracing options in its previous titles such as Watch Dogs Legion. On the brighter side, Far Cry 6 will include other graphical features such as AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution on the PC and others such as Variable Refresh rates.

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Source: https://gamingbolt.com/far-cry-6-doesnt-have-ray-tracing-on-consoles-ubisoft-confirms


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this is just terrible there should be ray tracing on consoles no doubt.