A Hidden 'Bloom Mechanic' Has Been Discovered In Call of Duty Vanguard

A hidden weapon bloom mechanic has been discovered in Call of Duty: Vanguard by popular YouTuber, TrueGameData. If you feel like some of your shots are veering off in a completely different direction to where you’re aiming, this could be why.

Call of Duty: Vanguard has been incredibly well received by fans in the community, and appears to be a breath of fresh air compared to last year’s Black Ops Cold War.

Although fans might not have a lot to complain about this year with Vanguard, there does seem to be one slight problem with bullet accuracy on certain weapons. Thanks to TrueGameData, we’ve got a detailed breakdown of what could be causing you to miss some of your shots in Vanguard’s Multiplayer.

What Is Weapon Bloom In FPS Games?
Weapon bloom is a feature that is often found in Battlefield titles and is essentially when a player aims down sights, shoots the weapon, and the bullet veers off into a different direction to where you were aiming.

Essentially, this is similar to how hip-firing works, but whilst you’re aiming down sights it has a tighter spread and won’t be as sporadic as normal hip-firing.

But for titles such as Call of Duty, this feature has never been included. In most Call of Duty titles, when a player aims down sights and shoots, the bullet will land exactly where the reticle is pointed.

This is likely to keep the arcade-style feel that Call of Duty games have always had, whilst Battlefield titles often go for a more realistic experience. However, it looks like things might have changed in the recently released Call of Duty: Vangaurd.

Weapon Bloom Mechanic Discovered In Vanguard
Call of Duty: Vanguard was only released this past Friday, but it didn’t take long for members of the community to start breaking down the core mechanics of the game to discover how things really worked.

TrueGameData, a YouTuber who often reveals the true stats of Call of Duty weapons, recently discovered that certain weapons in Call of Duty: Vanguard appear to have a weapon bloom mechanic.

In a new video that was uploaded to his YouTube channel on November 6th, TrueGameData showcased how bullets fired from the MP40 SMG were not landing where intended, and were instead veering off in different directions. It’s unclear if this is an intended feature, or if it’s simply a bug, but TrueGameData believes that this is indeed an intentional feature included by the developers.

He also noted that it doesn’t appear to be as strong when tested on Assault Rifles, and seems to be most prevalent on SMGs. However, when you use the right attachments to increase the overall accuracy of the weapon, the bloom is then decreased and bullets land where intended.

It’s likely that this new bloom feature was included as a way to balance the fact that weapons can now have a total of 10 attachments, which is quite the step up from Black Ops Cold War’s 5 attachments.

Many fans might be frustrated at this new bloom mechanic, but TrueGameData summed it up best when he replied to Westie on Twitter by saying that it is a way to “differentiate gun builds” with the new 10 attachment system.

Related Forum: Call of Duty Forum

Source: https://www.dualshockers.com/a-hidden-bloom-mechanic-has-been-discovered-in-call-of-duty-vanguard/


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