RedLynx to release Trials Evolution title update tomorrow, MP leaderboards reset

A title update for Trials Evolution will be released tomorrow via the usual XBL Update. RedLynx will also be clearing off the multiplayer leaderboards, in order to make sure everything remains “fair and valid”. Single-player and custom-made track leaderboards will remain unaffected. “We apologise for the multiplayer leaderboard reset,” the firm stated on the official forumd. “However, this step was deemed necessary to ensure the best multiplayer experience for all players.

“Because this multiplayer leaderboard reset will take place after the Title Update, we advise you not to play multiplayer matches for at least four to six hours after you receive the update, in order to avoid having your data purged by the reset or accidentally matching up with a non-updated player.”

The update will also apply the following:

  • Editor issues – a number of issues in the editor were addressed, including enforcing a 22 checkpoint limit and some issues around the event trigger system
  • General Stability – we have addressed some issues affecting general stability and random lockups. If you find new issues related to this, please report them to this thread
  • Multiplayer Leaderboard writing issues – addressed a number of situations where proper scores were not being recorded to MP Leaderboards or rank was being reset
  • Multiplayer Stability issues – addressed a number of issues, including viewing Gamer Cards, Party play functionality, response time of multiplayer matchmaking, and situations where the game would occasionally lock or hang during multiplayer
  • Scoring issues – a rare issue where track times were calculated incorrectly at the finish line has been addressed
  • Skill Games – adjustments have been made to Icarus Factor, Exploding Man, Out of Gas, and Balls of Steel skill games to eliminate scoring loopholes
  • Track Central – a number of issues were addressed, including track sorting issues, lockups when viewing Player-Created Track Leaderboards, and searching tracks by the Ninja difficulty tag

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    "RedLynx to release Trials Evolution title update tomorrow, MP leaderboards reset" :: Login/Create an Account :: 55 comments

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    whats the freaking point i agree 7eleven its a waste to reset everyone but it was hacked to da max


    That's unfair to reset everyone's best time they should be smarter than that


    Never got this game, looks addicting-ly fun though. Should I get it?


    So glad the leaderboards for reset and personally think this is a great game.


    I bought the game a couple days before the title update, I have to say, it's great...


    This game is the best, hopefully they release another one :)


    All they did was reset the multiplayer leaderboards.


    I'm considering buying this game! Was the update good? How much does it cost?


    Got it yesterday and it is pretty good game


    Awesome Game,i bought it somedays ago!!