Max Payne 3 cheaters get thrown into the miscreant quarantine

Rockstar's approach to cheaters in Max Payne 3 isn't "get rid of them" so much as it is "humiliate, punish and get rid of them, those lousy scoundrels." Any player confirmed to be using hacked saves, modded games, leaderboard circumvention tactics or other exploits in Max Payne 3's multiplayer will be ceremoniously quarantined in the "Cheaters Pool," which is kind of like jail, but all of the inmates have guns.

The cheaters will only be able to play with other ne'er-do-wells in the pool, but they can be redeemed and re-enter the civilized multiplayer shooter world. However, if they step out of line again, they'll be serving life in the Cheaters Pool.




"Max Payne 3 cheaters get thrown into the miscreant quarantine" :: Login/Create an Account :: 62 comments

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I love it when games give us cheats < 3
Never seems to happen anymore :(


ok so this is an amzing idea and looks so simple to do. why doesnt call of duty do this?


This is an amazing idea! why cant call of duty do this?


should i get this game? it looks pretty good


This is genius. If more games did this, I would be happy.


That is actually a good idea if mw3 had it i would like it


This was on Yahoo Homepage the other day.
Great thing to do, it sounds really cool, and funny.


i really like this idea, rockstar is the best :)


G7G7S7 i will probably get sent there the next time i play it

Yeah same here, and Im not looking forward to it.


i will probably get sent there the next time i play it