Activision Apparently Forced Nintendo To Release Wii U Pro Controller

Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter has claimed that Wii U’s Pro Controller was only created after Activision threatened to leave Call of Duty off the machine unless it has a traditional input method.

“I think that essentially this is a solution in search of a problem,” Pachter said, speaking at Develop in the UK last week, as reported by Edge.

“I mean, somebody had an idea – ‘let’s make the controller a tablet’ – and there aren’t many games that are going to take advantage of that. Activision never said anything to me, but I know that [for] big games like Call Of Duty they said, ‘No, we’re not putting it on there if you don’t give us a conventional controller’. So they gave in.”

Nintendo confirmed the Pro Controller – a traditional format controller in the model of 360′s pad – at E3 this year.

Pachter went on to say that Wii U as a concept is likely to fail.

“I don’t think they suck – I just think that they really believe that, ‘If we’re still novel, everything we do will work’. This isn’t going to work,” he said.

“Hardcore gamers will buy them; hardcore Nintendo fanboys will buy it. They could put out a piece of cardboard and say that it’ll play Mario and they’ll buy it.”

Wii U releases this year.




"Activision Apparently Forced Nintendo To Release Wii U Pro Controller" :: Login/Create an Account :: 101 comments

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Kex Lol why would activision force nintendo to release wii u pro controller >.>

Prolly because people hate using the Wii controller to play COD.


Kex Lol why would activision force nintendo to release wii u pro controller >.>

I know that's a stupid thing to accuse somebody of! xD


Lol why would activision force nintendo to release wii u pro controller >.>


SovietRussia I don't know.. I'm actually liking the chrome look of it. MS and sony need to get stock chrome/shiny controllers in :D

I actually think it looks like it's made from some cheap plastic xD


Kex The controller looks a bit long lol.

I think it looks too thin tbh!

it looks really wide to almost distorted.

I don't know.. I'm actually liking the chrome look of it. MS and sony need to get stock chrome/shiny controllers in :D


Kex The controller looks a bit long lol.

I think it looks too thin tbh!

it looks really wide to almost distorted.


Kex The controller looks a bit long lol.

I think it looks too thin tbh!


sounds like a great idea !! hope it comes out be fun!!Cant wait :D


The controller looks a bit long lol.


I like the shiny black on the controller.