Xbox 720: "new Xbox" is "coming out with Windows 8"

Xbox 720 is “coming out with Windows 8,” according to what could be a slip-up by Microsoft general manager Brian Hall.

Hall was discussing the launch of in an interview with The Verge when he mentioned the “new Xbox” in relation to Windows 8.

Here’s the full quote:

“We’ve had Hotmail and operated Hotmail for about 16 years, we obviously have Exchange, and Outlook, that people use at work. We just decided it was time to do something new and bring the best from each of those and put them together and release it right in time for the new wave of products that we could have coming out with Windows 8, with the new version of Office with the new Windows phone and the new Xbox.”

You can hear Hall say the words in the recorded interview below, from 1 minute 17 seconds: video below




"Xbox 720: "new Xbox" is "coming out with Windows 8"" :: Login/Create an Account :: 224 comments

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Oh god, too bad Windows 8 is going to be trash.


delano i love the xbox 360 why a xbox 720 and it looks realy like a ps3 or ps2 or ps1 so i dont have the feeling i am playing on a xbox

what are you talking about? the 360 is out dated we need a new system and the rest of your comment is just dumb

stfu why you cant respect other people opinion

not an opinion old xbox is outdated


benjiii96 looks like he will be looking for a new job in the morning.

And by that you mean he will be sacked for slipping up ?

He won't get sacked.


benjiii96 looks like he will be looking for a new job in the morning.

And by that you mean he will be sacked for slipping up ?

Nothings gonna happen, i doubt they care


benjiii96 looks like he will be looking for a new job in the morning.

And by that you mean he will be sacked for slipping up ?


I can't wait for this to come out will be sick


nice lol


What he's saying is, Hall will probably get the sake for saying that lol


hmmm sounds promising


benjiii96 looks like he will be looking for a new job in the morning.

What do u mean?

Lol he got me confused too.