Treyarch’s David Vonderhaar teases possible Black ops 2 Emblems

Treyarch’s Game Design Director David Vonderhaar has been teasing the Call of Duty community on twitter recently. He’s had several profile picture changes the last couple of days it seems. No word yet on if we’re looking at prestige or callsign emblems. The last emblem probably isn’t game related as he added it when the (U.S.) Football Pre-season started.

seems to think the emblems are related to a new “Multiplayer League” system which might include new matchmaking and ranking.




"Treyarch’s David Vonderhaar teases possible Black ops 2 Emblems" :: Login/Create an Account :: 164 comments

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I hope there i a seperate playlist on the game that has the true skill system. And another playlist that has the normal xp one.


SilentSlayer013 I hope this is not gong to be game wide, because I like to just screw around sometimes, trolling, no scopes, throwing knife. I would not be able to do this anymore and just go full tryhard. If they are to do it then I hope it does not derank you if you do bad like in halo 3.

Yeah me also i like to Ninja defuse and make silly classes and a team of 6 and just screw about sometime


I actually like those emblems. Still not as good as part emblems though.


They don't look that bad if they are the emblems


AddictiveKidTTG SO in other words now when we play we are going to know when we get try hards -__-

then we know when to leave the game :P


SO in other words now when we play we are going to know when we get try hards -__-


if they do this i hope that its maybe just one section like you can have just normal online that isnt effected by league and a section where you get matched according to league and stuff


SilentSlayer013 I hope this is not gong to be game wide, because I like to just screw around sometimes, trolling, no scopes, throwing knife. I would not be able to do this anymore and just go full tryhard. If they are to do it then I hope it does not derank you if you do bad like in halo 3.

That's what I was thinking, that would suck.


i really hope they dont do that if u win u get points and if u lose u can get demoted. thats stupid as ****. some kids aren't good and they jus play for fun!


Finally CoD does something good! This will really make the game challenging now. Camping is still going to be a big issue though.! :/