Rumor: Black Ops 2 heading to Wii U, according to QA tester's resume

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 could be coming to Wii U, according to the LinkedIn resume of a Treyarch QA tester recently spotted by IGN. According to the description of the duties of said QA tester, Randall Herman performed "QA testing on PS3 and Wii U, multiplayer testing while collaborating with team, ad hoc testing, and regression."

Black Ops 2 is set to release November 13 for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC, the only platforms it is officially announced for. We have reached out to Activision for comment on the rumored inclusion of the Wii U on that list.




"Rumor: Black Ops 2 heading to Wii U, according to QA tester's resume" :: Login/Create an Account :: 144 comments

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Eminent That's cool but CoD sucks on the wii.

Agree the most popular consoles like xbox and ps3

Yes, but no one has tried it on the Wii U yet, maybe we just have to give it a chance.

Maybe, but honestly do you want to be playing call of duty on a wii?


Eminent That's cool but CoD sucks on the wii.

Agree the most popular consoles like xbox and ps3

Yes, but no one has tried it on the Wii U yet, maybe we just have to give it a chance.


Aced Honestly , theres not even that manay people that play the wii, i would prefer bo on xbox or ps3

out of everyone i know there's like. maybe 3 people that have a wii? lol

And yeah exactly, this prooves to show, that only a smallammoutn of people play wii, and even smaller ammount would buy B2, most people with wii, are either little kids or adults doing yoga or somthing of that sort

lol yeah one of my friends uses it for WiiFit lol.


Aced Honestly , theres not even that manay people that play the wii, i would prefer bo on xbox or ps3

out of everyone i know there's like. maybe 3 people that have a wii? lol

And yeah exactly, this prooves to show, that only a smallammoutn of people play wii, and even smaller ammount would buy B2, most people with wii, are either little kids or adults doing yoga or somthing of that sort


USA_Sports Do they just want more Wii sales? I dont think that will happen.

Yeah, it seems they are trying to get more wii sales and like you said "I don't think that will happen."

It definalty will not...

Yeah your right, lol, the games fine for xbox/ps3, i dont get why they want wii


I can't see the graphics being any good on the Wii U.


USA_Sports Do they just want more Wii sales? I dont think that will happen.

Yeah, it seems they are trying to get more wii sales and like you said "I don't think that will happen."

It definalty will not...


Do they just want more Wii sales? I dont think that will happen.


Well I expected it to head to the Wii tbh...


Eminent That's cool but CoD sucks on the wii.

Agree the most popular consoles like xbox and ps3