F1 22 – “No Plans for a PSVR2 Version at the Moment”

F1 22 brought a number of key changes to the series’ traditional formula, and one of the most notable ones of these was undoubtedly the addition of VR support for the game’s PC version. Of course, at the same time, its lack of support of VR on PlayStation was noted by many, though many have hoped that with PlayStation VR2 coming next year, VR support will eventually be added to F1 22 on the PS5, if not the PS4.

Unfortunately, however, it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. Speaking recently with UploadVR, F1 22’s senior producer David Williams said that Codemasters has “no plans for a PSVR2 version at the moment”, before adding that the developer will nonetheless “continue to look at all opportunities” going forward. That, of course, aligns with what senior creative director Lee Mather told GamingBolt earlier this year.

F1 22 is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Patch 1.07 recently went live for the game, bringing the new Portimao Circuit,

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Source: https://gamingbolt.com/f1-22-no-plans-for-a-psvr2-version-at-the-moment


"F1 22 – “No Plans for a PSVR2 Version at the Moment”" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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I certainly wouldn't waste money on a racing game in VR2 ffs


Could always change in the future for the version.


could never imagine playing this lol