Steam Deck's Latest Beta Update Lets You Check Component Details

Valve has deployed a new client beta update for the Steam Deck, which now allows users to view the components inside of their handheld machine. As the update is still in its beta form, it is only currently available to those who opt into the program. The full release will be made available to all users in the future, but an exact date has yet to be confirmed.

In a new blog post discussing the update, Valve said the new feature will allow users to "see the model and manufacturer of major components in your Steam Deck, (without having to crack it open)". The post goes on to explain that this information is being made available to users to provide further clarity and transparency about the components and their sources for specific Steam Decks.

Valve also believes that providing this information to users will prove useful to anybody who might want, or need, to replace and repair components inside of their Steam Deck.

It is worth noting that if you've already replaced certain components within your Steam Deck, this new feature won't display the new parts. Valve states that the component list is "a snapshot of the parts that went into your specific Steam Deck when it was assembled at the manufacturing facilities". Thus, any updates, swaps, or repairs that happened afterwards will not be reflected in the component list.

If you'd like to check out the details of what's inside of your Steam Deck, you'll need to opt into the client beta program, which can be done by following Valve's official steps below:

You can opt into the Beta via Settings > System > Steam Update Channel.

The new component lookup view can be accessed in Settings > System > Model/Serial Numbers button (under the Hardware header)

Valve recently celebrated the Steam Deck no longer requiring a reservation when purchased, as well as the launch of the official Steam Deck Docking Station. Details on the full story can be found at the link below.

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The Steam Deck keeps on getting better and better


They keep on improving the steam deck good for them.