Reminder: Play full FIFA 13 on Xbox Live and PSN right now

Although FIFA 13 isn't available in Europe until Friday, fans of the beautiful game itching to get stuck into EA's latest offering can do so using the EA Sports Season Ticket.

The Season Ticket will set you back 2000 Microsoft Points Season (around £17) on Xbox Live or £19.99 on PSN, and purchasers can download FIFA 13 right now and start playing in return.
In addition to early access, ticket holders are granted 24 FIFA Ultimate Team Gold Premium packs and 20% off all future DLC.

Access to the full game is rescinded once FIFA 13 is officially released on Friday, so you'll have to head out and pick up a copy, but the Ultimate Team content will remain tied to your account.




"Reminder: Play full FIFA 13 on Xbox Live and PSN right now" :: Login/Create an Account :: 25 comments

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2000 msp points for a demo ? Crazy.


wait it cost 2000 msp points or what it says

"The Season Ticket will set you back 2000 Microsoft Points Season (around 17) on Xbox Live or 19.99 on PSN"

what does that mean


Been on it since Saturday! :)


Just wish I had 2000 Points :(

