God of War Ragnarok Leak Shot Down by Sony Santa Monica

A new God of War Ragnarok leak has been shot down by Sony Santa Monica. God of War Ragnarok is one of the biggest games of 2022 and it was shrouded in immense secrecy for years. The development of the game was also an interesting one as it was a cross-gen PS4/PS5 game that was largely conceived of during the COVID-19 pandemic. Given it's such a big, cinematic game, it likely required overcoming a ton of logistical challenges and hurdles. The team behind the game even recently stated that it wasn't certain the game was up to snuff until just a few months before release.

Given the very complicated and often messy nature of game development, many people want to see how the sausage is made. Sony has made a few documentaries for games like The Last of Us and God of War that offer a transparent, honest look at how these games are made over the course of several years. Given the unique circumstances presented during the development of God of War Ragnarok, many were hoping we'd get a documentary about it. An insider by the name of Millie A on Twitter stated a feature length documentary about the game's development and the obstacles of COVID-19 and the pressures of following up such a renowned game was on the way. Sony Santa Monica quickly nipped this in the bud and stated this isn't true, as the team instead opted to make shorter behind the scenes videos that release every Tuesday and chronicle a piece of the game's development.

The recent behind the scenes videos aren't as in-depth or raw as the documentary for its predecessor, but it is still a worthwhile peak behind the curtain of such a massive game. It's unclear if Sony plans to do any more documentaries for future games or if it will just opt to do general behind the scenes videos in small chunks on YouTube.

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/god-of-war-ragnarok-leak-shot-down-sony-santa-monica/


"God of War Ragnarok Leak Shot Down by Sony Santa Monica" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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It's always nice to see documentaries about how they made the games etc


this game is definitely getting hype, hope it's lives up to the expectations we'll see.. i'll be playing it for sure either way.


Can't wait to get this game and play it all the way the way through.