![Steam Replay 2022 Page Gives Insight On Gamers Tendencies](https://www.thetechgame.com/images/news/article/7c41f14816.png)
According to the Web page, the average Steam user played a total of five titles across the platform in 2022, unlocking an average of 21 achievements. The average streak for number of days spent playing games on the platform without a break is set at nine.
For a more introspective look at your own activity on the site, Steam also provides a wide number of charts and graphs, breaking down the percentage of your time spent on each individual game and weighing it against several factors. This includes graphics such as bar graphs breaking down your month-to-month playtime of each game you've accessed and charts showing the percentage of your total time on Steam spread across each game you've played in the past year. You can also view your achievements for each game played and get a breakdown of the types and genres you've spent the most time on.
To compile the statistics, the site gathered the data for each player between the start of January 1 and the end of December 14, measured by Greenwich Mean Time. If you played any games through Steam in offline mode or while your device wasn't connected to the Internet, that playtime data will not be present in your personalized report. Additionally, the report does not include time spent on games that are unreleased or disabled on the platform, nor does it track time spent "running tools or other non-game software."
Anyone wishing to share their results with others can find a helpful share tool near the bottom of their report, which includes an automatic share button and a dropdown menu through which you can choose to share publicly or with friends only. Additionally, the site allows for downloading images of your own personalized graphs and charts, so you can share as little or as much information as you please.
Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum
Source: https://www.dualshockers.com/steam-replay-2022-page-insight-gamers-tendencies-past-year/
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