Escape From Tarkov: Arena Gets New In-Game Screenshots

Escape From Tarkov: Arena was announced earlier this year as an upcoming competitive mode to the game with smaller-scale maps, oriented around the gunfight skills of the players rather than survival and looting elements. Recently, Battlestate Games shared the first screenshots from this new mode on Twitter.

Escape From Tarkov: Arena now has its own Twitter account, including new in-game screenshots from both menu and gameplay that reveals some key parts of the game. According to the images, the Arena mode will feature Ranked and Unranked modes. Each segment will feature three different modes, described below:

Team Fight
Team Deathmatch

Last Hero
You are on your own

Participate in the tournament for the title "Champion of the Arena" (featuring 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 variants)

Three maps of Equator, Air Pit, and Bay 5 have been featured in the menu of the game, of which we only get to see the Equator in the gameplay screenshots. The images show off the 3v3 variant of Shootout mode, where three teams, each containing three players fight for victory inside a map that looks like a shopping mall.

The game's only rule is probably to eliminate the opponent players, and it will apparently occur in a best-of-three format, which means the team that wins two rounds wins the game. That being said, we should probably wait for an official description from Battlestate, as it is just our understanding from the screenshots.

One other feature that has been confirmed in the screenshots is the kill-cam view. Unlike Escape From Tarkov which never lets you know where you are being shot at, even after your death, Arena mode will allow you to see how enemies approach and kill you in a match.

Currently, there is no official release window for Escape From Tarkov: Arena. The game recently received its 0.13 update which delivered Streets of Tarkov as a new map as well as some other improvements and new weapons. But there was no word on a release date for Arena yet, though these new screenshots from the Alpha version probably mean we are going to learn more about Arena in 2023.

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"Escape From Tarkov: Arena Gets New In-Game Screenshots" :: Login/Create an Account :: 5 comments

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CalicoReidso this game is better than any of the new COD's by far

These screen shots look surprisingly like CoD to be honest


Strange for a game to move in such a different direction all of a sudden


this game is better than any of the new COD's by far


Looks forward to the new map releasing soon tooo


Wow that looks clean. I like the ump look. Idk why CoD can't get guns right anymore it's just sad. All the "new" guns suck fr