Fallout 4 Player Gets Every Achievement in One Sitting

A Fallout 4 player has completed an incredible task, earning every achievement in the game in just a single sitting. While Fallout 4 doesn't have the most difficult achievement list, there are enough in there that are tedious enough to make doing it in one sitting an impressive feat.

The speedrunning scene for the Fallout franchise is continuing to grow, with more obscure categories being created as the games get older. The franchise has had several appearances at the popular Games Done Quick speedrunning marathons, which has made more gamers aware that a speedrunning scene actually exists for the game. Many of the more niche categories will often take much longer to complete, such as the run seen in this video. For context, the world record of the Any% run in Fallout 4 currently stands at just under 40 minutes, although this can take hundreds of hours of practice to achieve, so any good speedrun is a huge achievement.

YouTuber ItsJabo managed to complete the feat in Fallout 4, streaming it in its entirety and uploading the highlights onto YouTube. It would eventually take him a total of 13 hours and 18 minutes, and it's the type of gaming achievement that would frustrate even the most hardened of gamers. However, ItsJabo is no stranger to massive achievements, as he is a popular Fallout speedrunner who notably holds the world record in the Fallout Anthology Any% speedrunning category. Recently, he has taken a step back from traditional speedrunning and has instead dedicated himself to creating unique challenges like this for both viewers and himself.

In the video, the hardest Fallout 4 achievement to complete is Benevolent Leader. This requires players to reach maximum happiness in a large settlement. Once the player has gathered the resources they need to make this happen, all they can do is wait until the happiness meter ticks to 100%. In the context of a speedrun, this is disastrous, as it puts a minimum amount of time that players can complete the entire run. With this particular run, ItsJabo leaves this achievement until near the end as it allows him to gather the resources required throughout, rather than wasting time seeking them out on purpose.

There's no doubt that whenever Fallout 5 eventually releases, speedrunners will be quick to come up with more crazy challenges that'll push their gaming abilities to the limit. For now though, gamers will have to continue to speculate about what features Fallout 5 might bring to the table before they can begin to think about speedrunning it. With Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6 first on Bethesda's agenda, this could be many years away yet.

Fallout 4 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Source: https://gamerant.com/fallout-4-all-achievements-one-play-session/


"Fallout 4 Player Gets Every Achievement in One Sitting" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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seriously don't have the time to sit to get all achievements/trophies in one sitting from a game like this

big kudos to the player who did


People like this really have time and patients on their hands !