Diablo 4 Goes Gold Ahead of June Release

To call Diablo 4 one of the most highly anticipated games of the year would be a massive understatement. As the first new mainline instalment in over a decade, excitement surrounding the action RPG’s launch is a high, and the road to this point has certainly been long and tumultuous. Ahead of its release though, Diablo 4 has recently hit a major milestone behind the scenes.

Taking to Twitter, Blizzard Entertainment confirmed that Diablo 4 has gone gold. The developer has wrapped up principal work on the title and has a master ready, which means any and all being work on polish and what have you from this point will come in the form of pre-launch or day one patches.

Of course, launch is only going to be the beginning for Diablo 4. Blizzard has said the action RPG will be getting “meaty” story content in post-launch updates every three months, while players will also have a battle pass to dive into, which will take roughly 80 hours to complete. Meanwhile, it’s also been confirmed that the game will let players skip the campaign with a new character if they’ve already finished it once before.

Diablo 4 recently enjoyed a massively successful beta, in the wake of which Blizzard has made a variety of tweaks and improvements to the game, including its dungeon layouts, class balancing, UI, and much more. More new details on the game will be shared in a Developer Update livestream on April 20.

Diablo 4 will launch on June 6 for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, Xbox One, PS4, and PC. It will run at 4K/60 FPS on Xbox Series X and 1080p/60 FPS on Xbox Series S.

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Source: https://gamingbolt.com/diablo-4-goes-gold-ahead-of-june-release


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seriously deserved the gold before release, well done


Not a surprise already figured it would go gold before it's release anyways.