Star Wars Outlaws Reveals New Information on the Game's Planets

Star Wars Outlaws was one of the big highlights from last month's Xbox Showcase. The first open-world Star Wars game will see players visiting multiple planets throughout the galaxy, and Ubisoft has shed some new light on what to expect from them. In a new interview with Edge Magazine, Star Wars Outlaws creative director Julian Gerighty revealed that the planets will not be procedurally generated; instead, they will all be "handcrafted." Gerighty also went on to reveal that the size of the planets will be equivalent to multiple zones in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.

"It's a crude analogy, but the size of one planet might be [equivalent to] two of the zones in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey," Gerighty told Edge Magazine. "It could be two to three zones. But it's not this sort of epic 'the whole of England recreated' approach."

As Kotaku notes, some of the zones that appeared in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey could be quite big, so the fact that planets will be the size of multiple says quite a bit. Unfortunately, we don't know exactly which planets will appear in the game, or how many there will be. According to, Outlaws protagonist Kay Vess and her team will be "looking to attempt one of the biggest heists the Outer Rim has ever seen." The game is set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, so we could end up seeing some familiar faces from the original trilogy! A group attempting a major heist could attract the attention of the Empire and the Rebellion as well as those in-between, such as Jabba the Hutt and Boba Fett.

Unfortunately, a specific release date for Star Wars Outlaws has not been revealed. As of this writing, the game is set to release sometime in 2024 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Hopefully Ubisoft will have a lot more to reveal about the game over the coming months!

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I wouldn't be surprised if they pull the plug on this very soon


Still very PO and disappointed in this game Already