Project L Will Feature Duo Play, Allowing 2v2, 2v1, and 1v1 Matches

Riot Games has released a new dev diary for upcoming fighting game Project L. The diary reveals that Project L will include a new way to play, dubbed Duo Play. The game will essentially allow two players to team up, with each player controlling their own character that can be tagged in and out during the course of a match.

With Duo Play, teams of two can queue up for Project L matches online against other pairs of players, as well as solo players who would prefer to play both characters by themselves in a more traditional fighting game manner. Duo Play is quite unique, with the last mainstream fighting game to include a similar way of playing being 2012’s Street Fighter X Tekken.

The dev diary also gives us quite a good look at the gameplay in Project L, showing off characters like Ahri, Darius, and Ekko in action. The video also also goes in-depth into its Fuse System, which allows players to get access to different kinds of bonus mechanics for the match.

Project L doesn’t yet have a release date, but is slated to get a playtest soon. Earlier dev diaries have shown off various aspects of the game before, including its tag system.

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"Project L Will Feature Duo Play, Allowing 2v2, 2v1, and 1v1 Matches" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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cheap version of mortal combat/street fighter


3v3 would be cool as well but im sure it will rotate or get added