Hogwarts Legacy Sequel May Already Be in the Works

A sequel to Hogwarts Legacy may be on the way. Hogwarts Legacy is one of the biggest games of 2023 and while discussion around it has quieted down since its release, it sold over 15 million copies since February which is a really impressive feat. It doesn't come as much of a surprise since the Harry Potter series is one of the biggest franchises on the planet with a handful of films, spin-offs, an upcoming TV series, and merchandise. The prospect of a Harry Potter RPG has been a thing fans have waited years for after seeing the fantasy of a school of wizards battling evil in the books and films.

Hogwarts Legacy managed to deliver on that fantasy for a lot of players, having them all go to classes, create their wizard/witch, choose a path of good or evil, and so on. It's been a huge hit critically and commercially with Hogwarts Legacy being labeled as a "franchise" by Warner Bros. going forward. With that said, it pretty much guaranteed Avalanche Software would go on to develop a sequel or some other game at some point. As of right now, we have no idea when such a thing would arrive, but it seems like Avalanche has begun work. Avalanche is hiring for a new position at its studio in Salt Lake City, Utah to "create what's next" and although it doesn't explicitly say that its for a sequel to Hogwarts Legacy, it's hard to imagine Warner Bros. would want that studio to work on anything but more stuff in the world of Harry Potter. That could be in the form of a big expansion or a proper sequel, but it will likely be a while before we find out.

Hogwarts Legacy first leaked in 2018 and didn't release until 2023, so who knows how long it will actually take for a sequel to develop. It's possible it could take less time since a lot of the groundwork has been laid and Avalanche has an idea of what this franchise looks like, but it will still require some patience from fans.

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Source: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/hogwarts-legacy-2-sequel-harry-potter-game-hiring-rumor/


"Hogwarts Legacy Sequel May Already Be in the Works" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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geez that would be fast if they have it already in the works


I sure hope so the game was really fun but could be better Fs so the 2nd can improve on some things!