Surprise Red Dead Redemption Update Adds 60FPS Mode

Red Dead Redemption got rereleased for newer consoles back in August, and despite it topping sales charts once again, it didn't have everything that people wanted from it. Namely, the return of Red Dead Redemption lacked a 60FPS mode whether you were playing it on the PlayStation 4 or on the PlayStation 5 via backwards compatibility, a feature that'd topped players' wishlists regarding features that they wanted to see in the game via any rerelease or remastering. It seems that now, however, Rockstar Games has quietly updated the game to run at 60FPS on the PlayStation 5.

The update was spotted on Wednesday by Rockstar enthusiasts who took care of the fanfare part themselves by spreading word of the update and showing off some of the 60FPS gameplay Red Dead Redemption fans have been waiting for. An example of that can be found below courtesy of Twitter user and Rockstar news source videotechx. He clarified afterwards that the update seems to have added the 60FPS mode for the PlayStation 4 Pro as well.

After the update had already been released Wednesday morning and caught fire on social media, Rockstar officially confirmed the existence of the update and its contents a few hours afterwards. Those succinct patch notes can be found below with the 60FPS mode for the PS5 of course being the highlight (Rockstar makes no mention of PS4 Pro settings). The same update also added the option to enable subtitles whenever you're starting fresh in Red Dead Redemption, a feature that's become commonplace in newer games so that players can better understand whatever's going on in opening cutscenes and other talkative segments before you get access to a main menu.

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"Surprise Red Dead Redemption Update Adds 60FPS Mode" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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holy hell!! it's about time too fr


That's good at least it'll look and run some what better.