Modern Warfare 3 Devs Deny Rough Development Reports

Sledgehammer Games' studio head, Aaron Halon, has refuted recent reports that Modern Warfare 3 had a rushed development and that the team was forced to make it instead of Advanced Warfare 2.

Although the release of a new Call of Duty game that remasters maps from the most popular game in the series, Modern Warfare 2, should be a reason for any CoD fan to celebrate, the past few weeks have been anything but. Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer and single-player modes have both been poorly received by fans and critics since the game's launch, with it currently sitting at an eye-watering rating of 1.3 on Metacritic, indicating "Universal Dislike".

According to a report from Bloomberg, Modern Warfare 3's troubled reception is likely in part due to its rough development cycle. The report claims that the game, which was originally rumoured to be an expansion to Modern Warfare 2, was made in just 16 months, around half of the usual amount of time for a Call of Duty game. The report also claimed that Sledgehammer Games originally wanted to make a new Advanced Warfare game, before being told they were making Modern Warfare 3.

Seemingly in response to that report, Sledgehammer Games' studio head, Aaron Halon, shared a statement on Twitter that refutes several of its claims, including that it had a rushed development and that the team originally wanted to make a different game before being placed on Modern Warfare 3.

"We have worked hard to deliver on this vision which has been years in the making. Anything said to the contrary is simply not true."

Halon said, "We’re incredibly proud of Modern Warfare III – both the full game experience at launch and the upcoming year of content we have planned for the community... We’re proud to be the team to lead the way on Modern Warfare III. We have worked hard to deliver on this vision which has been years in the making. Anything said to the contrary is simply not true – this is our game and we cannot wait to play it online with all of you".

Bloomberg's Jason Schreier hasn't responded to the team's statement and the claims that seemingly go against his report, but it is worth noting that he also previously reported that Modern Warfare 3 started life as an expansion for Modern Warfare 2 before being turned into a full premium release.

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they would've been better off releasing a remaster of the OG MW3 to complete the OG trilogy fr


I don't think I hav em any negative things at all to say about this game tbh. Just like Cold War I don't get where the hate is coming from ??? Smfh