New Subnautica Game Coming Early 2025

The next Subnautica game is launching in the first half of 2025. Like the first two games, it will be developed by Unknown Worlds and is coming to both PC and console.

This comes from a financial report for Krafton (as spotted by Rock Paper Shotgun), the publisher best known for PUBG, who acquired Unknown Worlds in 2021. The next Subnautica hasn't been officially announced, but the fact that Krafton is boasting of its existence in a financial report makes its existence all but guaranteed. We'll just have to wait and see when Unknown Worlds is ready to show it off properly.

We don't have a name for the game yet, as the document simply lists it as "The Next Subnautica". On the whole, it doesn't give us much information on the sequel at all, but it at least confirms that the team has something in the works, following on from the last game released in 2021, Subnautica: Below Zero.

The report also doesn't give away what platforms the game will be on exactly, but judging from previous games, we can expect it to be on all major platforms. The first two games have made it onto both last and current-gen consoles, not exclusive to any of them. And with the next Subnautica listed as both a console and PC release, there's no reason to expect it to be any different this time around.

Despite all the excitement, we have to admit, this release date is quite a way off right now. It's not guaranteed that the game will even be officially announced soon, as we have over a year to wait for launch at the very least. Right now though, the financial report indicates that it's aiming to release in the first half of 2025. That's, of course, assuming that it doesn't get pushed back before its big reveal, whenever that might be.

Both Subnautica games reviewed well, so it's reassuring to see that Unknown Worlds is taking its time on the follow-up. This will be the first game in the series to be developed from start to finish while owned by Krafton, although so far, there are no warning signs that this was a bad move for the studio. We'll just have to sit around and wait until the first half of 2025 to see how the sequel does, and if it can live up to the expectations set by its predecessors.

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really great they're making a 3rd one. can't wait fr


This is my first time seeing anything on this but man this actually looks good and looks real fun