The Division Heartland Update Teases Imminent Release

At long last, it looks like Ubisoft's The Division Heartland might be nearing its release. All the way back in 2021, Ubisoft announced Heartland, which was a new free-to-play spin-off of its popular The Division franchise. Since that time, there have been some private play sessions for the title, but Ubisoft has largely remained pretty quiet about when Heartland would release. Luckily, if a new development is any indication, it seems like we might be learning more quite soon.

As of this month, The Division Heartland has received an official rating in Taiwan. On its own, this development doesn't mean a whole lot, but it does suggest that Ubisoft is in the final stages of preparing to release Heartland. Typically, games only receive ratings very close to their eventual launch dates. As such, the fact that The Division Heartland is now beginning to be rated around the globe suggests that it could be released in the months ahead.

Currently, a release window of any sort for The Division Heartland hasn't been shared by Ubisoft. The only thing that has been known is that the game will be coming to virtually all last-gen and current-gen platforms which include PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC. Beyond this, further details have yet to be shared, but until they are, you can learn more about what this The Division spin-off will have in store below.

The Division: Heartland

"What's happening in Silver Creek? Uncover the mystery before a new breed of poison spreads everywhere. Follow the expanding story to discover why this once peaceful town has become the center of a violent conflict between a group of dangerous rogue Division agents and an aggressive band of nomadic survivors. But the AI factions and other player squads aren't the only danger.

In a single play session, experience both the challenge and exploration of daytime and the thrill and intensity of nightfall. During the day explore and complete critical objectives, scavenge for materials and supplies, and face off against dangerous enemies. When day turns to night the stakes heighten and new enemies appear. Avoid the increasingly volatile contamination, fight your way through rogue NPCs, and take on newly hostile players.

Venture into Silver Creek alone or with your squad with cross-play and cross-progression, on all platforms, forming powerful team tactics. Customize your agents' skills, outfits, and go bag. Unlock story elements and level up through multiple upgrade paths. Over time, Heartland will expand to introduce new gameplay, agents, stories, challenges, and areas of the map to explore."

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once it's released, I'll check it out fr


I didn't know it was free to play if maybe actually try it out !