Xbox 720 UI likely to resemble Windows 8, former Windows exec. claims

According to sources, it is likely that Microsoft is going to follow the template they laid down with Windows 8 when begin to design the Xbox 720’s user interface.

This is all according to former VP of Windows Sales Joachim Kempin, who told sources "I think the other thing they will try, there’s no doubt about it, is it’s going to be more Windows 8-like; maybe it even gets a touchscreen, who knows?

"Most of what’s in there today really is Windows, right? I wouldn’t be surprised if the next round of interface comes even closer to Windows 8 than it is today; maybe it even gets a touchscreen, who knows?"

He also addressed claims that Microsoft’s games division is loss making. Apparently that is not quite true, he said, though he does acknowledge that Xbox has proved a damaging distraction for Microsoft.

"On the Xbox hardware itself there is no profit," he said. "So the profit comes from all the other sources; royalties from game developers, maybe the next Halo version, maybe a new Kinect system and what have you.

"It is such a small portion for their company. It would really be better if they would just spin that whole thing out and let other people run it on their own and not get distracted by it. For me that whole environment is a distraction for the company.”

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"Xbox 720 UI likely to resemble Windows 8, former Windows exec. claims" :: Login/Create an Account :: 108 comments

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Knowing microsoft they will probably go through with it.


Zaps hope it's not a fail. :)

Yeah, I can see it happening...

Yeah same here.


c0dm0dz Keeping with my 360. I personally hate the windows 8 UI.

It's not definitely going to be Windows 8, they said likely to resemble. + After a while it will take you a long time to find online games considering everyone will switch to the new console. :o


Good to see they are trying to keep things updated and what not.


Windows 8? Why? Have something which is unique and not already being used.


I'm glad, hopefully they don't make it a box at all, the current dashboard isn't very good.


dont like it


Really, just why?


The next xbox would be like a pc


Zaps hope it's not a fail. :)

Yeah, I can see it happening...