PlayStation 4 User Interface details.

We have more information about the PlayStation 4 for you! this time it comes in the form of User Interface information!

It is vital for a console to have a easy-to-use UI - and console developers need to make it easy for everyone to use. So, here's some of the details that we have managed to pick up on regarding the user interface:

You can push the power button to suspend the current session which will in turn save it in to RAM.

Secondary chip, which is used for uploads and downloads continues doing a task in the background.

Digital titles can be played while something is downloading.

Gaikai will be essential for PlayStation 4 cloud games.

You can turn the console off and return to where you were on the game in question.

You can download games and play them as they are downloading.

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"PlayStation 4 User Interface details." :: Login/Create an Account :: 135 comments

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Feet I love that there is a capture card built in :D

Seriously? I hope the 720 has this, that would be awesome.

I don't want this feature really. It'll make YouTube even more saturated.


Feet I love that there is a capture card built in :D

Seriously? I hope the 720 has this, that would be awesome.


I love that there is a capture card built in :D


Reduction I'm not getting the PS4 so far anyway, Can't wait to see the real 720 interface.

Same here, hope it's good!

Its gonna look so clean and beautiful :'D


Reduction I'm not getting the PS4 so far anyway, Can't wait to see the real 720 interface.

Same here, hope it's good!

Well, I've just seen the windows 8 layout, not liking it much. Pretty disappointing.


Reduction I'm not getting the PS4 so far anyway, Can't wait to see the real 720 interface.

Same here, hope it's good!


NGT I am not very fond of this

I have to agree with you on this one.


I'm not getting the PS4 so far anyway, Can't wait to see the real 720 interface.


I am not very fond of this


Hall This interface is awesome, really exciting.

I guess it does look pretty cool.

I don't really like it, reminds me of Windows 8.

yeah the same thing i was thinking

Glad it isn't just me.