Diablo 3 announced for the PlayStation 4

That is right, Diablo 3 is going to be on the PS4, and this is going to be the smoothest, easiest to play Diablo created.

Blizzard's Senior VP of Story and Franchise development Chris Metzen took the stage near the end of the conference to break the news to us. After taking the stage he let us all know that "Blizzard and Sony have entered into a strategic partnership, through which we will take over the world."

Four player co op mode, and that this is going to be on the PS3 and PS4 is all we know right now, but this new partnership between Blizzard and Sony is truly going to "Take over the world".

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"Diablo 3 announced for the PlayStation 4" :: Login/Create an Account :: 156 comments

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Hall I've never played a Diablo game.. uhh.. haha

Same, I want to see what it's like however.

Same, never played one.


Hall I've never played a Diablo game.. uhh.. haha

Same, I want to see what it's like however.


Groovy I wish i would be getting the Ps4 for Diablo 3 :(

They'll never do it for Xbox

Project Gotham Racing...


Toll Wish they made it for xbox...

Agreed. Maybe they will do it for the 720, they may not though.

Would be neat if they did.


I've never played a Diablo game.. uhh.. haha


Toll Wish they made it for xbox...

Agreed. Maybe they will do it for the 720, they may not though.


PML is diable 3 like world of warcraft?

i think it is


Really might get a ps4 instead of 720


is diable 3 like world of warcraft?


I wish i would be getting the Ps4 for Diablo 3 :(

They'll never do it for Xbox