PlayStation 4 will not block pre-owned games - Sony exec confirms.

The PlayStation 4 will not feature technologies that make pre-owned games unplayable on the newly-announced console, according to a senior executive at PlayStation.

After a long period of speculation regarding the PlayStation corp's stance on pre-owned games, Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida told sources that used games can function on the next generation system.

But he did not confirm whether PlayStation 4 customers would have 'original owner rights' to second hand games, or whether users might need to pay for online passes or other such rights.

"The general expectation by consumers is, if they purchase physical form, they want to use it everywhere, right? So that's my expectation."

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"PlayStation 4 will not block pre-owned games - Sony exec confirms." :: Login/Create an Account :: 123 comments

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So now it looks like only Xbox 720 is most likely to block them but hopefully they make the right decision and allow them


If Xbox doesn't allow the usage of pre-owned games I'll definitely be switching to PS4.


Wait, I've seen about 3 news topics on this... I'm confused.


Thank gawddd, that'd be soo annoying.


Yes! I am glad the didn't block them. Only if Xbox will do the same. :)


Good thing they decided not to go through with it, now hopefully xbox opens their eyes as well.


Xbox should do the same..


why would you do that if u get sick of a game you sell it to buy a new 1 it makes microsoft and sony money


This is going to help them sell a lot more consoles if the Xbox 720 is still planning to.


Nice, too bad you aren't going to be able to play PS3 games on it.