EA Offers Choice of 8 Free Games as SimCity Apology

As an apology for the bugs that have been plaguing the game since its launch, EA is offering owners of SimCity the option to choose one free game from a list of eight titles.

Anyone who has already purchased, or purchases the game before March 25th will be able to claim one of the following games for free:

-Battlefield 3
-Bejeweled 3
-Dead Space 3
-Mass Effect 3
-Medal of Honor: Warfighter
-Need for Speed: Most Wanted
-Plants Vs. Zombies
-SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition

Users have until March 30th to claim their free games.

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"EA Offers Choice of 8 Free Games as SimCity Apology" :: Login/Create an Account :: 125 comments

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That is a pretty awesome apology.


Wake SimCity and Dead Space 3 for the price of one? Sounds like a great deal.

Or Battlefield, Medal of Honor, many good titles here


Damn, this is crazy awesome! Lucky for those that have it :P


Damn lol Im getting SimCity now lol


Am buying SIMCITY to get BF3


Tuba Wow :o Should have bought sim city while I could have xD Could be playing bf3 :/

Anyone who has already purchased, or purchases the game before March 25th. You can still buy it and get the free game until the 25th of March.

ooh :o my b day is on the 26th so i'll see :D


Damn i wish it wasn't if you purchase it i wish you could get one without purchasing Sims.


Tuba Wow :o Should have bought sim city while I could have xD Could be playing bf3 :/

Anyone who has already purchased, or purchases the game before March 25th. You can still buy it and get the free game until the 25th of March.


SimCity and Dead Space 3 for the price of one? Sounds like a great deal.


these people are just Pathetic who made the Sims.