MayaM60iHTML Oh yeah iv been waiting :)
I was the opposite i didn't want them to patch bypass
I dont really care about getting online with mine, i just play free games on mine thats about it lol
M60iHTML Oh yeah iv been waiting :)
I was the opposite i didn't want them to patch bypass
DrumstepViceMayaEroiHTML Oh yeah iv been waiting :)
Everyone has been waiting.
Exactly haha
Not really, people who want to bypass are disappointed about this update.
yeah looks like mw2 will have to convert to cfg menus
ViceMayaEroiHTML Oh yeah iv been waiting :)
Everyone has been waiting.
Exactly haha
Not really, people who want to bypass are disappointed about this update.
MayaEroiHTML Oh yeah iv been waiting :)
Everyone has been waiting.
Exactly haha
M60iHTML Oh yeah iv been waiting :)
I was the opposite i didn't want them to patch bypass
iHTML Oh yeah iv been waiting :)
UndisclosedZeffoff topic a little bit but I had built my pc thinking it would be extremely hard but it was actually quite simple because all the parts only went into one thing.TollLol only a complete idiot would buy an alienware, they are so overpriced you may as well buy a console.EvolTheyODST Ugh, these console wars hurt. If i put my own opinion on what is best, I'm going to say PC just because everything originates from it. Nobody can directly DDOS from their console. A computer is needed to do anything that happens on Xbox or PS. I've never seen it before but someone please show me a person using a game that cant be modded on the computer.
PC is the best for gaming, but it would be better if it had the exclusives that consoles have.
i would have to agree but PC gaming its just expensive to get a PC that is ment for gaming.
yeah i know over like 1k for an alienware
If your buying a pre built cyber pc is one of the only good choices other than that build one.
BACK ON TOPIC: I wish in any console update they would add a little feature that the customers had asked just to have something fresh instead of just under the hood updates
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