Battlefield 4 Leaks, Teasers and Videos

DICE is releasing lots of details and teaser videos about the upcoming next-generation Battlefield 4. According to the details, Battlefield 4 is going to be available for next generation consoles which include the PS4 and "Xbox 720" and would maintain a steady 60 FPS on 720p. Battlefield 4 would utilize 80% of the Frostbite engine’s power compared to 30% utilization in Battlefield 3.

The new Frostbite 2.5 engine would feature much more enhanced visuals with PC being the lead platform for the game. the next generation consoles including the PC would get 64 players while the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 would stick to the default 24 player setup which is currently seen on Battlefield 3.

Other things that have confirmed in BF4 are:

- Set in China During 2020

- Frostbite 2.5 would be a complete overhaul of the current Frostbite 2.0 engine

- Dynamic weather effects such as rain, sandstorms, fog, haze and would be totally random

- Battlefield 4 would also bring back the much renowned and upgraded Destruction 4.0 system

- PC versions would benefit from compute power which would render these dynamic destructible effects much more realistically.

- All of the environment including water, terrain and characters/NPC would make use of the new tessellation technology implemented inside Frostbite 2.5.

- Maps names: Tiananmen, Xizhimen (Rush version also noted), Shanghai Bund and Diaoyu Island

- DLC featuring BF2 China maps: Daqing, Dalian Plant, Great Wall, Wake Island

- Micro-transactions avalaible but will not affect game balance

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"Battlefield 4 Leaks, Teasers and Videos" :: Login/Create an Account :: 209 comments

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ExoticWolfs Wow, this game seems really good! I wish it would come out all ready. :D

Same i want it aswell ;)


Affectx that's cool and interesting but I'm not a ver ybig fan of battlefeild.

You should try it.Its not bad.


that's cool and interesting but I'm not a ver ybig fan of battlefeild.


Wow, this game seems really good! I wish it would come out all ready. :D


I just noticed that all of the battlefield art, looks the same. Like all of the pictures and the game cases look simular.


cant wait man, looks sick !


Poi_Jr Im going to love this game!

the maps are always big on BF

Oh my god I can't wait, especially the 64 player

Its still only 24 player on Xbox and Ps3

I imagine it will be. Although that could change on the next gen consoles.


Poi_Jr Im going to love this game!

the maps are always big on BF

Oh my god I can't wait, especially the 64 player

Its still only 24 player on Xbox and Ps3


I need a new pc to play these newer games lol but this sounds nice.


Poi_Jr Im going to love this game!

the maps are always big on BF

Oh my god I can't wait, especially the 64 player

Only 24 still on Xbox and playstation though :(