Cult Classic Xbox 360 Game Remaster May Be Getting a Reveal Soon

Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP, an upcoming remaster of the hack-and-slash Xbox 360/PS3 title from famed game designer Suda51, might finally receive a proper reveal in the near future, according to a recent tease from the developers behind the project. The long-awaited re-release of the cult classic action game will hopefully shine a new light on this overlooked title and lead to more remasters of other hidden gems from Suda51 in the future.

Released back in 2012, the original Lollipop Chainsaw was made by the esteemed Japanese game developer Grasshopper Manufacturer. The title was a collaboration between No More Heroes creator Suda51 and Guardians of the Galaxy film director James Gunn. Despite the prestigious talent behind it, Lollipop Chainsaw was met with mostly mixed reviews from Western critics, though it was met with a considerably more positive reception in Japan. Nonetheless, the title received a cult following over the years since its release. Unfortunately, though, Lollipop Chainsaw was relegated to the confines of the Xbox 360 and PS3 libraries due to it never receiving a PC port or backwards compatibility support of any kind. With the impending release of the upcoming remaster, though, it seems like fans will get to play the game on modern platforms sooner rather than later.

According to a recent tweet from Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP game designer Yoshimi Yasuda, an official reveal of the highly-anticipated remaster is "almost here." Fans, the developer says, should prepare themselves "for the return of the legendary zombie hunter 'Juliet'!" This tease is certainly good news for Lollipop Chainsaw fans looking to experience the game on current-gen consoles.

However, as pointed out by Gematsu, there is a bit of a mistranslation in Yasuda's tweet. Though the English text in the post states that the "official launch of Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP is almost here," Gematsu clarifies that the original Japanese wording in the tweet more so refers to the game getting revealed soon rather than it being released. Though the developer behind the upcoming Lollipop Chainsaw remaster, Dragami Games, has yet to announce platforms for the title, it did previously reveal that the game is scheduled for a summer 2024 release. Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP was hit with a big delay in the past, though, so this tentative release window is subject to change. So long as it's not delayed any further, however, fans should be getting their hands on the re-release pretty soon either way.

Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP was announced in June 2022 on the 10th anniversary of the original game's release. Though it was initially meant to be a complete remake, Dragami Games later decided to make the title a remaster instead. Speaking of remasters, though, Lollipop Chainsaw isn't the only cult classic Xbox 360 game from Grasshopper Manufacture that's getting a re-release soon, as Shadows of the Damned is also getting ported to modern consoles later this year. With both Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP and Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered set to launch in 2024, it seems fans of Suda51's works will have a lot to be excited about over the coming months.

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why do they waste their time on this trash? ffs


Not worthy of being a 360 classic lol