Bethesda Is "Looking At" Cross-Play For Fallout 76

Fallout 76 doesn't currently have cross-platform progression or play, meaning that if you want to swap consoles or team up with friends on Xbox while you're on PlayStation, you can't without losing everything.

"We keep looking into it, but [Fallout 76] wasn't designed that way from the beginning," Howard said in an interview with Kinda Funny's Gamecast (as reported by Kotaku). "The more important thing is cross-progression than cross-play--and we do separate them--we'd love to have it all, sure.

The more important thing is cross-progression.

"It's something we are looking at but I will say it's quite--the way that [Fallout 76] architected from the beginning--a technical lift. Not saying we are or aren't doing anything, we are looking at it and seeing where that's going to impact people."

What Fallout 76 Has Taught Bethesda
Both Fallout 76 and The Elder Scrolls Online represent a foot into the world of multiplayer for Bethesda, the former being an online survival sandbox, the latter an MMORPG. Neither was built with cross-platform or progression in mind, meaning that while it's a highly requested feature across the board, it's incredibly difficult to implement.

However, seeing how the multiplayer landscape has changed over the past decade and how such features have become not only commonplace, but an expectation, has altered Bethesda's mindset for future projects.

"I think going forward in the world we want to be in, it's very important and something in our future games that we're going to be really mindful about to make sure--in particular the progression-- that where you pick up a game you're able, no matter what screen you're on, to just keep going with your character and what you were doing."

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would be a great thing to have cross play for the game fr


I just really want a new fallout with new good graphics. I'm just getting into it ! I'll still try 4 out but I need an up to date fallout game haha