New Halo 4, Gears of War Judgment DLC available for free today

If you feel like shooting aliens on your Xbox today, you are very likely to be able to do so in a new venue. Both Halo 4 and Gears of War Judgment have new DLC, available at no extra cost.

Having passed certification early, Microsoft has released the Halo 4 "Forge Island" map well in advance of its expected April 11 date. On their own, these aren't the most exciting locations – three big, flat islands – but they're intended to be the base for Forge Mode customization.

Gears of War Judgment's Execution multiplayer is also available today, along with the map Haven, "courtesy of Maxim and Epic Games." Weird. Microsoft warns that you have to download this DLC directly from the title menu or from the Dashboard. "The dialogue box prompting you to download the pack in the matchmaking menu is not functioning properly and will be fixed as soon as possible."

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"New Halo 4, Gears of War Judgment DLC available for free today" :: Login/Create an Account :: 162 comments

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Mitzz That's good, where's the link hahah

The link? What do you mean?


Didn't judgement just come out? Why wouldn't they include the dlc in the game?


Gears of War has DLC already! pff...


I will be getting this :D


Good, another free DLC! :D Can't wait.


Ooh I might go and download the Halo 4 DLC it looks pretty good


Execution ftwww


That's good, where's the link hahah


I will be getting this i need it so bad


Good to see another map added to Judgment, it's a bit lacking in quantity atm. Execution isn't really my gametype but I suppose it's good for the ones that enjoy it.

The Halo forge maps are a great addition, none of the current maps were able to be utilised to create something the same quality as what you could create on Forge World.. It has been lacking the necessary environments.