Arrowhead CEO Says Steam Situation "Isn't Looking Positive"

Arrowhead Game Studios CEO Johan Pilestedt has provided an update on the ongoing Helldivers 2 publishing controversy.

Currently, Helldivers 2 has been delisted from Steam in almost 200 territories. This is in the wake of Sony’s attempt to force players to link their PlayStation Network (PSN) and Steam accounts. PSN isn’t available in many countries and territories, which barred many players from accessing the game.

This decision was later reversed by Sony after player backlash, but Helldivers 2 remains delisted in affected territories. Recently, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia were added to this list. Arrowhead remains in negotiations with Sony, but Pilestedt isn’t optimistic.

In a post on the official Helldivers Discord server, Pilestedt provided an update on the situation.

“So, to give an update on the three further country restrictions,” Pilestedt says. “They should have been part of the original restriction and it was noticed when the restriction was put in place for Tsushima. This was noticed and executed independently by Valve.”

“While it doesn’t look positive. It is not an indication of further restrictions. The conversation on region restrictions is still ongoing and is independent of this. I have no further information. We (Arrowhead) still want the game to be available everywhere. Hope you all have a great Saturday and I’m sorry I don’t have a better update.”

The upcoming PC port of Ghost of Tsushima has also been delisted on Steam, as the multiplayer portion of the game requires a PSN link to access.

Pilestedt has teased a cape release to commemorate the review bombing the game received as a result of the PSN fiasco. The cape features a graph inspired by the mass negative reviews that Helldivers 2 received after the PSN linking announcement.

The recent actions by Sony has damaged the company’s reputation with PC players, an area where it was previously making significant progress in.

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such a disaster for this to happen like this fr


All of these games getting review bombed and stuff