Toys For Bob Might Be Teasing A New Crash Bandicoot Game

A new update on the Toys For Bob website has Crash Bandicoot fans in a frenzy, as the site has shed its former appearance and is now displaying a purple tiki mask on a black background.

Ever since Crash Bandicoot and Spyro developer Toys for Bob announced that it would be splitting Activision Blizzard and Xbox and going independent, many have been wondering what's next for the plucky studio now that it has more creative freedom surrounding its future projects. It's been highly rumored that Xbox will fund the studio's first project following the split, giving Crash and Spyro fans hope that Toys For Bob hasn't abandoned the IP that has helped it make a name for itself.

Whatever Toys For Bob is currently working on at the moment, it looks likely that it's getting ready to show it off. The studio's website has undergone a rather mysterious change recently, switching from its standard layout to a completely black background and a single purple tiki mask. You can check it out for yourself here.

While it's exciting to imagine that this could be a cheeky tease for a new Crash Bandicoot game, given the series' link to tiki masks, it's probably best to not get your hopes too high just yet. We know that Toys for Bob likes to use the tiki mask aesthetic around its offices, and the image's file name does label it as a "logo" right now, so it's very possible it may not be Crash Bandicoot-related at all.

We do also have rumors floating around that Toys For Bob's next big game is going to be Spyro 4, though that information is also pretty shaky. It's very clear that Toys For Bob is readying itself for some kind of announcement though (you don't make your website unusable for a lengthy period of time for no reason), and it's exciting for fans of the studio, regardless of whether it's Crash, Spyro, or something new entirely.

If the recent rumors surrounding Xbox's role in funding the title are true, it makes sense that we'll get to see what Toys For Bob is up to during next month's Xbox showcase. That's a pretty time to have your website down for the count though, so we could potentially see a teaser or announcement in the coming days.

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"Toys For Bob Might Be Teasing A New Crash Bandicoot Game" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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yeah, the last one was decent enough

be good to see a new one fr


This is one of my favorite classic kid ish games growing up this and the sponge bob games !