V Rising Launches for PS5 on June 11

V Rising has been on the receiving end of widespread acclaim ever since its early access a couple of years ago, and this year proved to be another important milestone for the game, courtesy of its full PC release earlier this month. To add to that, V Rising will soon also be making its way over to PlayStation.

Earlier this year, developer Stunlock Games announced that V Rising would be launching for PS5 sometime this year, and the developer has now revealed a specific date for the port. The survival action RPG will launch for Sony’s console on June 11, under a month from now. Stunlock Games has also confirmed that those who pre-order the game will be able to access it five days ahead of time.

Additionally, the recently released and acclaimed Castlevania crossover DLC, Legacy of Castlevania, is also available for pre-order on PS5. Check out the trailer below for a glimpse of the port in action.

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Source: https://gamingbolt.com/v-rising-launches-for-ps5-on-june-11


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will be ready and waiting for it fr


Can't wait for ppl on console to experience this game ! Hopefully it goes to Xbox as well !