PlayStation Acquisitions Brought Diversity to Studios, Says Sony

Sony has said that diversity in people and businesses through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) has been its strength, highlighting numerous M&As across its entertainment division, including PlayStation Studios. In yesterday’s corporate strategy meeting, Sony said that it’ll continue to “evolve the diversity of its businesses and people to achieve further growth and create value over the long term.”

PlayStation acquisitions added a wide range of employees from various backgrounds
In a slide accompanying his presentation, Sony Group CFO Hiroki Totoki revealed that between FY2013 and FY2023, 47 companies joined Sony’s overall entertainment business, adding 5,000 employees to its staff. The slide specifically highlighted Insomniac Games, Bungie, and Crunchyroll, among others.

“At Sony, we bring together employees with a wide range of backgrounds including nationality, race, gender, and values, and offer opportunities for growth through the intersection of knowledge and experience that we provide by leveraging our diverse business structure,” Totoki said. “We have evolved on the strength of our diversity, which is a combination of these attributes and experiences.”

Totoki added that M&As allow Sony to continue this effort, which involves increasing foreign nationals in executive positions and women in management positions.

Worth noting that PlayStation recently laid off 900 employees as part of a cost-cutting

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"PlayStation Acquisitions Brought Diversity to Studios, Says Sony" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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yeah, as long the game(s) are created (I don't care by ethnicity or gender) and are to my liking :lipbite:


I mean they create good games that's literally ALL we give af about leave all that other bs aside !!