Sony Could Be Working on Customizable New Controllers

According to a recently published patent filing, Sony is working on developing a flat computer simulation controller field that would function as a fully customizable game controller. The device would expand upon previous gaming accessibility efforts by Sony, allowing more players than ever to enjoy the world of video games.

An undeniable powerhouse in the gaming and technology industries, Sony has filed an impressive number of patents in recent months, encompassing both hardware and software developments. While none of the patented technologies have been officially announced, they do give consumers helpful insights into the research and development efforts of the Japanese conglomerate.

First filed in January 2023 and published June 6, 2024, a patent by Sony Interactive Entertainment details a new hardware device that allows users to draw customized controller functions on a flat computer simulation field which then serves as a fully individualized gaming controller. The device features a flat top surface with a touch-based user interface, allowing users to draw and press their desired equivalent of standard controller buttons. According to the patent, the aim of the device is to simplify certain controller inputs with extensive customization capabilities, thus making video games more accessible to players with limited mobility or motor functions. While Sony's efforts to make gaming accessible are promising, there is currently no guarantee that this device will be produced and made available to consumers.

As detailed in the Sony Flat Simulation Controller patent, this unique hardware device aims to streamline controller inputs. An example given in Figure 7 of the patent is the ability to draw an X, similar to the corresponding button on a PS5 controller, but set the touch input to be a double press. For a game that uses a double jump feature by pressing X twice, the flat simulation controller user would simply need to press once on their customized panel. Other capabilities include setting a panel to be a button hold or even a rapid multi-tap for single touch button-mashing. By providing alternate video game controller options, Sony is able to reach new audiences and provide more opportunities for players. It remains to be seen if the flat simulation controller or any other patented Sony technologies will actually be manufactured and sold.

Improving accessibility in video games has become a priority among many companies and consumers, reflecting growing efforts to expand gaming to as many players as possible. While it is key to note that companies frequently file patents that are never fully developed, audiences may want to keep an eye on Sony and its consistent focus on accessibility.

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"Sony Could Be Working on Customizable New Controllers" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3 comments

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yeah, I hope they do release one very soon

I could do with a customizable controller


Runts They do need there own nice elite controller type of thing

They have had one for years.
If you actually read... (LOL) or even scan...(I doubt you'll do this either) you'll see it's more about increasing accessibility to people that might not be able to use a traditional controller.


They do need there own nice elite controller type of thing