Fortnite Reload Teases Return of OG Map

Fortnite is giving players a taste of the original map this week with the launch of "Reload," a limited-time game mode releasing on Saturday. Epic Games put out a teaser trailer for the event that offered players a snippet of what's in store including some brief looks at critical points of interest longtime Fortnite players will be familiar with such as Tilted Towers. The event coincides with plans for the big Metallica concert which is also supposed to be taking place on June 22nd, so Fortnite players should have plenty to keep them occupied come Saturday.

The quick teaser trailer shared on social media specifically called out Tilted Towers as the main point of interest that players can make out in the preview, but more areas like Retail Row, Lazy Laps, Sandy Sheets, and Pleasant Park among others are also expected to be brought back in Reload. A full trailer is scheduled to be released on Saturday to offer a better look at the Reload mode.

Epic Games didn't offer anything more by way of a blog post or further teasers regarding what's planned for Reload, but it's clear nostalgia is a play here. And based on the response that Fortnite's new event has gotten thus far, it's working.

What's evident from Fortnite's wording of the event is that Reload is indeed meant to be a mode as opposed to an overhaul of the normal Fortnite experience that would put everyone on the same map. It's unclear from this teaser alone what the implications are for Reload's actual gameplay experience in terms of whether items will be vaulted or unvaulted within the mode to further replicate the early days of Fortnite, but tomorrow's trailer and whatever context comes with it should explain further.

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Hell yes I have ye to try it but I will soon I've been maxed for a min already so I haven't played lol